Tomy Bell Installation
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Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Residential solar solutions.
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Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Agriculture & rural solar energy solutions.
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Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Residential solar solutions.
Another Specialized Solar system (SSS) off-grid solar powered system installation: a 5kw/6kw system with 8x180w panels, 12x 600 A\H batteries, 60 amp MPPT.
Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Agriculture & rural solar energy solutions.
Specialized Solar Systems recently installed an off-grid solar energy system in Theunissen, in the Orange Free State, Republic of South Africa. The off-grid system installation boasts a 9000-watt panel array supplying on average 46Kwh per day. The system has been designed to produce the bulk of its energy during daylight hours with minimal usage during the night.
Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Residential solar solutions.
The solar powered off-grid energy system installed recently by Specialized Solar Systems in Still Bay in the Garden Route South Africa. The renewable energy system provides 5KV 14kWhr average solar energy yield of renewable energy that electrifies the main house as well as a little cottage.
Written by Arno Menkveld on . Posted in Residential solar solutions.
SPECIALIZED SOLAR SYSTEMS, renowned for its expertise in renewable energy, has recently completed yet another off-grid solar-powered installation for a client residing entirely off the grid. The picturesque location is a small holding nestled between Karatara and Rheenendal in the enchanting Garden Route of South Africa.
Off-grid energy systems play a vital role in supplying electricity to households and workshops, functioning independently without any connection to the public electricity network. These power systems essentially act as autonomous power stations, providing a seamless and dependable electricity supply comparable to that of the national electricity grid.
Whether it’s a modest residence, a sprawling estate, a commercial establishment, or an entire community relying on cumbersome diesel generators, off-grid stand-alone power systems emerge as the dependable, eco-friendly, hassle-free, and cost-competitive solution. Embracing these systems ensures a reliable power source for various applications, transforming the energy landscape for homes, businesses, and communities alike.
Solar Module Array
Battery Storage Capacity
1380-amp, 10-15 year life span, 2V Millennium Deep Cycle Batteries with interconnecting cables were used. These batteries have the capacity to store 9 kWh of usage per day and cycle the system at 27%, maintaining system efficiency and battery lifespan. Please note that actual cycle ratios may vary from installation to installation depending on system use. Please also note that during daylight hours, the system runs off PV as primary and batteries as secondary.
BMV-700 Precision Battery Monitoring
The essential function of a battery monitor is to calculate the ampere-hours consumed and the state of charge of a battery. Ampere-hours consumed are calculated by integrating the current flowing in or out of the battery. In the case of a constant current, this integration is equivalent to current multiplied by time. A discharge current of 10 A for 2 hours, for example, amounts to 20 Ah consumed. All our battery monitors are based on a powerful microprocessor, programmed with the algorithms needed for precision monitoring.
Standard information and alarms:
Solar Charge Controller: MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) battery monitoring
Ultra-fast Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
Especially in the case of a clouded sky, when light intensity is changing continuously, an ultra-fast MPPT controller will improve energy harvest by up to 30% compared to PWM charge controllers and by up to 10% compared to slower MPPT controllers.
Advanced Maximum Power Point Detection in case of partial shade conditions
Outstanding conversion efficiency
Maximum efficiency exceeds 98%. Full output current up to 40°C (104°F).
Flexible charge algorithm
Programmable auxiliary relay
For alarm or generator start purposes
Extensive electronic protection
CAN bus
To parallel up to 25 units, to connect to a Color Control panel, or to connect to a CAN bus network
PV short circuit and PV reverse polarity protection. Reverse current protection.
Pure Sine Wave Bi-Directional Inverter/Charger inverter
1 x 5000/24/120 Victron Multiplus Inverter/Charger
• Continuous output power at 25’C (VA) per unit 5000
• Continuous output power at 25’C (W) per unit 4500
• Continuous output power at 40’C (W) per unit 4000
• Peak Power (W) per unit 10 000
Multi-functional, with intelligent power management
The Multiplus is a powerful true sine wave inverter, a sophisticated battery charger that features adaptive charge technology, and a high-speed AC transfer switch in a single compact enclosure. Next, to these primary functions, the Multiplus has several advanced features, as outlined below.
Two AC Outputs
The main output has no-break functionality. The Multiplus takes over the supply to the connected loads in the event of a grid failure or when shore/generator power is disconnected. This happens so fast (less than 20 milliseconds) that computers and other electronic equipment will continue to operate without disruption. The second output is live only when AC is available on one of the inputs of the Multiplus. Loads that should not discharge the battery, like a water heater, for example, can be connected to this output (second output is available on models with a 50-A transfer switch only).
Virtually unlimited power thanks to parallel operation
Up to 6 Multi’s can operate in parallel to achieve higher power output. Six 24/5000/120 units, for example, will provide 25 kW / 30 kVA of output power with 720 amps of charging capacity.
Three phase capability
In addition to parallel connections, three units of the same model can be configured for three-phase output. But that’s not all: up to 6 sets of three units can be connected in parallel for a huge 75 kW / 90 kVA inverter and more than 2000 Amps charging capacity.
Power Control – Dealing with a limited generator, shoreside or grid power
The Multi Plus is a very powerful battery charger. It will, therefore, draw a lot of current from the generator or another supply source (nearly 10A per 5kVA Multi at 230VAC). With the Multi Control Panel, a maximum generator or shore current can be set. The Multi Plus will then take account of other AC loads and use whatever is extra for charging, thus preventing the generator or shore supply from being overloaded.
Power Assist – Boosting the capacity of shore or generator power
This feature takes the principle of Power Control to a new dimension. It allows the Multi Plus to supplement the capacity of the alternative source. Where peak power is often required only for a limited period, the Multi Plus will make sure that insufficient shore or generator power is immediately compensated for by power from the battery. When the load reduces, the spare power is used to recharge the battery.
Four-stage adaptive charger and dual bank battery charging
The main output provides a powerful charge to the battery system by means of advanced ‘adaptive charge’ software. The software fine-tunes the three-stage automatic process to suit the condition of the battery and adds a fourth stage for long periods of float charging. The adaptive charge process is described in more detail on the Phoenix Charger datasheet and on our website, under Technical Information. In addition to this, the Multi Plus will charge the second battery using an independent trickle charge output intended for the main engine or generator starter battery (trickle charge output is available on 12V and 24V models only).
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