Off-Grid Installation – Theunissen, Orange Free State

Specialized Solar Systems recently installed an off-grid solar energy system in Theunissen, in the Orange Free State, Republic of South Africa. The off-grid system installation boasts a 9000-watt panel array supplying on average 46Kwh per day. The system has been designed to produce the bulk of its energy during daylight hours with minimal usage during the night.
By first doing a thorough site evaluation and load analysis Specialized Solar Systems implemented the energy savings principles. Detailed usage analysis allowed us to reduce the total capital cost of the system and enabled us to implement the off-grid system well within the clients original budget.
Specialized Solar Systems’ team of renewable energy experts installed 3 x 5kw 48v Victron inverters with 3 x 70/150 Victron MPPT’s, 36 x 300-watt panels and a 48 volt, 1380 amp hour battery bank.
The off-grid energy system is a 3 phase, 5KVA per phase daily usage 46Kwh per day. 30Kwh is designated for daytime usage whilst 16Kwh is available overnight from battery storage, cycling the batteries at 25% usage.
The owner, Oom Manie, thoroughly enjoys being self-reliant by producing his own dairy, meat, water and now off-grid electrical energy as well. The farm has removed its Eskom transformer, thus eliminating any feed from the national grid. The farm will utilize a diesel Generator as back up as and when required in the event that additional kW capacity is needed or if the battery state of charge drops below safe levels.
Oom Manie is now completely independent from Eskom grid power.
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Equipment used for the off-grid installation:
- 3x Victron Multiplus 48V 5KVA inverter/ Chargers
- 3x Victron 150/70 amp Solar Mppt’s
- 24x 1380 a/h 2V Millenium solar cells
- 1x Victron BMV 700 Battery Monitor
- 36 x 300 Watt Solar Panels mounted by means of a Rail Mount Panel mounting system.
For further info with regards to off-grid energy producing systems, please contact one of Specialized Solar Systems renewable energy experts at
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