Unemployed in Schmidtsdrift trained to install solar panels in the area
Twelve(12) unemployed Solar Engineers from Schmidtsdrift received training in solar panel installation who were selected by the community and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. The Service Provider (Specialized Solar Systems) Mr. Carlos Smith, briefly summarises their training; “The students were trained in Solar Theory, the use of multimeters, diagnostics, maintenance and system design which was concluded in the first week.”
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This week, they focused on practical installation and were installing solar panels, DB units, wiring homes for lights, security light on motion sensors, cell phone charging, TV, radio, the capacity to handle more appliances as well as ‘top-up’ for solar fridges or freezers which concluded the training.”
The solar panel training will assist the 12 unemployed at approximately 210 houses in the area have no electricity and is set to receive Solar Home Systems. The installations of solar panels to 210 houses are part of The Comprehensive Rural Development Programme spearheaded by the Department. One of the objectives of the CROP is to address the developmental backlogs and in particular the basic needs of all households in designated areas.
Solar panels form part of the renewable energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat (naturally replenished).
Mr. Samuel Kgatlhane attended the training and had this to say; “We have learned much about solar installation and this project will assist us greatly by putting something on the table as life is difficult when one is not working.”