Sub-centralized solar energy power station complete

The second and final stage of the first Jabula sub-centralized off-grid solar energy power station is now complete. This stage included six additional houses that were completely retrofitted for the supply of much-needed electrical energy. Our CEO, Jonathan Hodgson was personally on site to assist with the challenge of laying the overhead DC cabling to each house and the complexities due to the informal building site layout and structures – all done using poles and wired from the source installed street light (1).
The installation was done on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa in a suburb called Jabula where grid power(Eskom) is not available and the locals have been waiting for up to 30 years for electricity. It consists of a sub-centralized solar energy station which is a remotely managed off-grid solar energy system that produces renewable energy at a central point that then feeds out to the surrounding households in the area.

     – Jabula households (1-7) that are now supplied with renewable energy via a managed sub centralized off-grid solar energy station (1) –
All installed units are automatically managed using Specialized Solar Systems utility-based solar energy management online framework, SSS-EPOWER. The households are billed for energy usage with Pay as you Go billing bundles and users have the convenience of paying for energy usage at their nearest local general dealer almost at the location.
Some of the key features of Specialized Solar Systems integrated solar energy management solution used for managing the project:
- Solar system management with remote switching.
- User administration and management.
- A variety of automated billing options.
- Vendor payment facilitation and management.
- Stock control with system logistics.
- Advance security features.
- End-user interaction.
- Detailed reporting and systems overview.
- Audit trail system and user logging.
At Specialized Solar Systems we are only in the beginning stages of an incredible journey – both humbling and exciting – to bring sustainable, renewable, affordable, off-grid solar energy into the estimated 600 million non-electrified homes in Africa [source: World Bank]: fast-tracking job creation, infrastructure, communication, water purification, education, entertainment, possibilities, hope …and a better standard of living for all.
For more information about the sub-centralized energy systems please contact
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