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Specialized Solar Systems lends a helping hand

Specialized Solar Systems lends a helping hand

Specialized Solar Systems recently had a request for help and donated a DC Smartgrid off-grid solar power system to a church in the Garden Route South Africa. The church is founded by Pastor Selwyn Strydom of Agape Christian Ministries.

Pastor Selwyn Strydom is the senior founding pastor of 6 churches in George, Hoekville, Knysna, Wittedrift, Humansdorp, Jeffrey’s Bay and Saint Francis Bay. The pastors of these churches are all self-supporting, including Selwyn himself.

Having heard of the commitment that Selwyn is making to this ministry with a tremendous load of work involved, Jonathan Hodgson, Specialized Solar Systems CEO, knew that a donation was well worth-while.

The well-proven off grid SS20 DC Microgrid solar home system (SHS) consisting of 2 X 60W solar PV panels, DB smart box, deep cycle battery housed in its stainless-steel box, 8 interior lights with lampshades, 2 exterior spotlights, light switches and cabling, fitted the requirements to generate the necessary energy for the new extension at the latest church which Selwyn is helping build.

For more inform regarding Agape Christian Ministries please contact Pastor Selwyn Strydom at 083 581 3120 or email selwynjstrydom@gmail.com.

Brian Gibson(right) on behalf of Specialized Solar Systems hands over the donated off grid SS20 DC Microgrid to Pastor Selwyn Strydom (left) from Agape Christian Ministries

Donation, Social responsibility